Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Things that make me go huh?

I normally work in maintenance depots. These are usually demountable style buildings in the middles of yards filled with trucks, aggregrates, dirty men in dirty work clobber. You know, maintenance depots.

Today however, I am working out of head office in the City. So this is a more corporate environment, there is a dress code, people don't seem to hold meetings around the smoko bin, and there is considerably less swearing.

What should disturb me then? Here where the seats are not covered in unidentified stains, that given I work in the sewer industry, could actually be excrement.
Well, what I find disturbing is the massive "how to wash your hands" posters in all the bathrooms.
1) Using soap dispenser, place a small amount of soap on your hands.
2) Turn water on and lather soap into your hands.
3) Rub hands together to remove dirt and germs.
4) Rinse, from fingertips to wrist, the soap from your hands.
5) Turn water off.
6) Using a hand toll from hand towel dispenser, dry hands.
7) Dispose soiled towel in bin.

What is the world coming to?????

1 comment:

klad said...

We have them too - 'Share the workload, not your germs' or something to that effect...

The thing is, I've seen so many people leave a bathroom without washing their freakin' hands properly (What's that drizzling a bit of water over your right hand?! What IS that?!) - or even at all - that perhaps some instruction and reminder is required.

Then again, the people who don't wash their freakin' hands (yeah, I have a few issues with this) will probably never change their ways.

And that leaves the handwashers standing over the sink, reading redundant instructions. What a world indeed!