Friday, January 05, 2007

End of an Era

And so that is that.

Since May 2006, I have made it my mission to watch The West Wing - all 7 seasons. Its been tough going, there have been kidnappings, assassination attempts, romances, divorces terrorist attacks, near misses, late night bill debates,births, deaths, marriages, campaigns, hotel rooms, State of the Unions and a whole lot of political stuff I tried to understand but never will.

And now, I have come to the end of season 7. That's 7 years in 7 months. I have laughed, cried, bitten my nails, gnashed my teeth throughout the Bartlett administration...and now there is only one thing to do....

Get a life.


Jean_Therapist said...

Yeah, get a life. Or... OR! You could spend the rest of what life remains to you in a ceaseless campaign to turn the white house into the West Wing, drive Martin Sheen into government, make all politicians walk everywhere briskly and say witty, sincere things. Make policy based on deep moral conviction and coincidentally relevant events. Sigh. I would totally do Toby.

Amanda Buckley said...

See, I am a Josh girl. Together, we could be the women, behind the men (because of the fast walking and narrow corridors) in the flourescent lighting.....sigh indeed.

Brydie said...

ooh! i have only just started on the wets wing!
i'm halfway through season two and i am OBSESSED.
so...i'll be talking to YOU in 5 or so months.

Brydie said...

er...that's west wing. not wets wing.
though it could be called "rob lowe makes women we..."never mind.

Amanda Buckley said...

I understand completely.... and there is nothing, NOTHING wrong with enjoying a good script, fine acting and great direction is there? Sigh.