Monday, June 30, 2008

Soup de jour

Over the weekend I made soup.
Hearty Italian Lentil soup.
I ate it for dinner.
I ate it for lunch.
Then I ate it for dinner again and today, I was having it for lunch.
Well, I thought I was.

My delicious hearty lunch, through butter fingers and fart arsing around ended up not in my belly but mainly on the kitchen floor.
As I cleaned up my mess, knelt down, paper towels in hand, a co-worker said "Did you spew up?"
No, that was my lunch before it went down. (Though, it was a fair comparison....the soup not as appetising as I once imagined....)

Resorting to some whinging and tantrum throwing, all was made well in the world by a caramello koala and a revisit to text message shenanigans. Thank goodness for my simple, easily distracted brain.

And in another update, I finally exchanged my mismatched/sized ugg boot. Now I have a brand spanking new size 8 for my left foot, and a nicely worn in -stretched and moulded size 8 for my right foot. Oh the drama that is my life!

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