Thursday, December 10, 2009

And to lighten the mood....

After that long post, I figure a silly one would not go astray.
Sometimes I land gigs.
Sometimes those gigs mean we get to dress up....
Can you guess who we are meant to be???
Good luck with that!


Matt Foster said...

Hmmm, at first, I wanted to say the cast of Gilligan's Island, but no, let me see...

I'm guessing you're Marilyn Monroe. John is Napoleon. Jon is Einstein. And Callan ... um, a cross between Billy Connolly and Dr. Karl?

Amanda Buckley said...

Ahhh we have a winner! But I much prefer the idea of Gilligans Island :) Yes, we were doing an actual corporate gig here- hilarious. Callan was crowd fave as Billy, offering to get everyone drunk - repeatedly.

Nice work Foster, you never let me down!