Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Easy Peasy

At exactly the time when I was ready to pull various strands of my hair out this morning through the many frustrations that come through not quite understanding how I am meant to do my job, I was quickly reminded just how easily distracted and made happy I can be....

These things made me smile today -

- placing a prank phone call
- finding a short film by a friend on YouTube
- having left over spaghetti for lunch
- someone saving me a piece of cake
- faking my laugh until I genuinely laughed to make someone else laugh
- the chicken dance (Arrested Development style)
- knowing that there are social drinks on Sunday
- schadenfraude
- a crazy accent
- thinking about the last month
- completely a difficult (for me) calculation
- working out the right way of doing something (after doing it wrong for weeks!)

And its only just time to leave work. Indeed, happy days!

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