Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Me Me Me Me Me Me

You know, sometimes, it really is all about me. I could try and lie and say that I am a fairly generous spirit, a good listener, a people person - but lets face it, only OTHER people can truly say that about someone, you cannot say it about yourself. Where is this leading, I don't know.

Actually, I do know, my mind just went on a little tangent. The other night, I was listening to a CD and I thought to myself "oh my GOD! These lyrics are about me." Now I was not thinking this in a "don't you love it when you can totally 'get' what an artist is trying to say" or a "I totally connect with this song" kind of way - no, I really was under the impression that I was the "you" in the song....maybe because I know the songwriter...see - all about me. SO? Conundrum. Should I ask? No. I mean, its easier (and more fun) to just assume....isn't it.

Two more sleeps and I am off on my trip abroad. Its going to be fab! Once again, all about me...but then again, who else would it be about?

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