Friday, September 29, 2006

I concede.

It suddenly got all too much.

The overwhelming sensation hit during my weekly singing session and it was as clear as day - I needed to sleep.

I went home. Ate dinner (palak paneer and half a bottle of red wine) and went to bed. All I could manage was one page of the book I was reading. I was barely able to turn the light out - I was under. And 9 - yes 9 - hours later at 6am I woke up - MORE TIRED THAN EVER BEFORE!!!!!

I have not really had more than about 6-7 hours sleep for easily a few months now, and I fear that since I have given in, I have become sleeps bitch. I just want more now. If I am not sleeping, then I am thinking about sleep. I am imaging sneaking off during work hours for a quick kip...what have I become???????

It has to stop. After tonight. I am going to allow myself one more night of pure, unadulterated sleep bliss - and then back to my measly 6 hours. Must remember my mantra, "sleep is for the weak"...which in my case, is true - too much sleep and I am a mess!!!!

Meanwhile, in other news, I have become an ambassador for the small country of Lovely - officially joining its ranks and taking its oath. My flat has become an embassy of Lovely, flying its flag and sporting a lovely portrait of our leader, King Danny I. And it feels lovely to be a part of it.

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