Thursday, September 21, 2006


I thought I saw Danny Wallace on the tube. It was very exciting. OK, so maybe it was not him....but I am going to pretend it was. If I had of been quick enough (ie. not laden down with a 17kg backpack and aeroplane legs) I would have jumped aboard and given him one hell of a high-five! BTW - he is the author of "Yes Man!" And he is also a bit of a dish.

This is because I think I am having a "yescapade". Or at the very least, I am starting to understand the joy of "yessence". Yes took me on my whirlwind tour and back to some of the most important people in my life. Yes has seen me performing non-stop this year, writing, singing, stand-up, impro, comedy festivals....scaring me into challenging myself and my abilities and all the while rewarding me with experiences and great fantastic memories. And I had not even read "Yes Man" yet when all this begun!!!!

I am such a fan though, because Danny Wallace completely put into words the thoughts and feelings I could not - you know how you get that with songs??? Its like you would have said that - if only you could've.... well, thats what I got from Yes Man...well, that and a bit of a crush.

I have been back hom for not even two days...I have already worked through a myriad of emotions....what adventure next eh...? I am indeed ready for one!

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