Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Festival Crush

I LOVE a festival.
This weekend, I went up to Brisbane for the inaugural Brisbane Improv Festival - and it was GREAT!
There is something about a festival vibe. I have heard the comment "love in" before to describe them and its entirely true. People you haven't seen since the last festival are there, you all have something in common (usually just that you are there, but really, thats all you need!) and its a lot like a school camp. There is the late nights, cheeky laughs, in-jokes (RACIST!) and group bonding. The new friendships, inspired moments, personal highs (and lows) and best of all the glorious flirtations.

And here I am, back at work, bags under my eyes and one too many bruises the dead giveaway I have had a great weekend. The bruises will fade and I will eventually get some sleep....but the memory of "Winkles" the walking dog, two men wrestling at a bus stop, a peeping tom at the window and the magical wonderment of what goes on under a doona will have me giggling for a few days longer .... after that, its a raised eyebrow daydream away to keep me going until the next "love in"....

Edinburgh Fringe ... the nine week countdown commences ...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Me Me Me Me.

Yes. The truth is out there for all to see. I am selfish. Its all about me. And I feel bad about it.
See even in feeling bad about it, I am still focusing on me. The fact that I feel the need to tell you about it dear reader merely reiterates it. So far there have been four "I's" in this post. I try I really do, to think beyond my own successes, failures, disappointments, alas, it seems to always come back to me.
Its got to stop.
I need to focus on the feelings of others. Look past my own reaction and vanities and embrace all around me. Only problem with that is that it would make me feel good which then, would be selfish.
Man. I do not know how all those do-gooders do it. Unless they are really really really selfish.

Cheeky selfish do-gooders. Man. What a nerve.

Par Excellence

I won an award at work. For excellence. Ironically, if you ask me what I do and how I do it, I would not actually be able to tell you.
Still, its very nice to be acknowledged. Very nice indeed.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Career Girl

I have had some jobs.
Quite a few actually.
Video store clerk.
Pizza Hut Shift Supervisor.
NAB Phone Operator.
TAB Phone Operator.
Child care Assistant.
Leisure Centre Receptionist.
Childrens Party Planner.
Labour Hire Project Officer.
Accounts Clerk.
Data Entry Operator.
Administrative Officer.
Data Analyst.

And here I am. I have spent a lot of my employment avoiding advancement. Responsibility is one thing (I think you will find Mrs Winthrop that Johnnys head did have a bump on it when you dropped him off this morning....) but advancement, no. I do not think so. Uh uh. Nope. Not for me. I am fine where I am.

Except -

A grown up job has crept up on me without me really knowing it. I am planning meetings to "strategise" and asking people to "pull together" and every now and then, I mean it when I say "near enough is just not good enough".

Who is this corporate monster posting before you? When did the needs of the business overtake my need to email my friends? When did I stop taking the stationary home because lets face it, I don't really need it? What happened to that carefree girl who was really a hindrance rather than a help?

Wait a minute...I am posting from my desk in my shared office space while my manager is not looking...there could still be some hope eh?

Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday Monday

I like Mondays. I know most people are all like, "Maaaaan, I hate Mondays", "did I even have a weekend?", "I just couldn't get up today", "can't it be the weekend already?"..... etc etc.
Not me.
See in my mind, Monday is still close enough to the weekend to have "memory flooding back" syndrome. I will be sitting at work, daydreaming away (which is fine for a Monday because all the Monday haters - most people - don't expect much work to get done, simply because its Monday, so I can sit in a daydreaming state with little interruption) and I couldn't be happier.
Muscle aches remind me of make-shift lounge room dance floors, yawns remind me of late night chatter and the constant refrain "how was your weekend?" reminds me of just how good a weekend I have had.
So, on this particular Monday, I am all smiles and far away looks and the memory flooding back syndrome has been kicking in all day. And thats why I like Mondays.

Tuesdays on the other hand? Thats another story....