Friday, August 03, 2007

Clock watching.

Today is moving slowly.
VERY slowly. The countdown feels like it has started to go backwards. Its almost depressing. I check my inbox every five minutes to keep my mind from exploding through the mundanity of my workload today. I have even replied to my Mothers email about being a special vibrant woman. Anything to keep the clock moving forward.
Given this, joy is being found in places I would normally not look. Today, I am happy to answer the phone. A wrong number? No problem, but since you called, how are you and whats your day look like? The minutes slowly tick by.
Out of boredom and frustration though I have volunteered the lunch run and the meet and greet of 20 new employees. There's another 45 mins I can consider filled.
Posting this blog has filled 7 minutes.

On a completely different subject, how funny is it when a particularly masculine man says something like "Schweppes" or "Fudge!" instead of using an expletive? Very funny.

Two more minutes gone. Thankfully I type slow.

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