Monday, August 13, 2007

Into the great unknown?

Ah yes. The great unknown. The undiscovered country. The endless possibilities of the not yet known. Ignorance is bliss. What we don't know won't hurt us.
Then why do I feel so sick?
I have had a little anxiety troubles over the last 24 hours. I cannot put my finger on it, but something is not quite right with me. Could it be the journey I am about to embark to the other side of the world to check in with some dear friends and have a really wonderful time? Surely not? I mean, thats just going to be a heap of fun right?
Then why do I feel so sick?

You know, it'd be so much easier to just stay at home. Not meet a heap of people who I never know when I'm going to see again but cannot help being attached to and miss incredibly. Not get attached to anyone in general. Not spend the better part of all my savings. Not put my hand up to jump up on stage and do a show I really have not prepared for yet. Not know. Have no control. Be kinda sorta scared. Risk failing.
I mean, I know thats why I feel so sick.

But how freakin boring would that be.

Give me the unknown every time - just bring a bucket too!

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