Friday, October 13, 2006

Good Morning Starshine!

I get up early. I mean, not like breakfast radio early, but early enough for someone who stays up late. I start work at 7am most days (7.30am on those other days when getting up is just too difficult)and it can be tough. I feel most days like I have a hangover (OK, so most days I do) even when I haven't been drinking. There is one thing however which consistently means I have a smile on my face most mornings.


There is something fantastically joyous about logging on in the morning to find what the postman has delivered overnight.

Today for instance, not only was I offered the chance to help another budding scientist make loads of money by giving him my bank details, but I was also greeted with an email from Musician no. 2. (Musician no. 2 is indeed the second musician in a line of many musicians who have made me weak at the knees, only to have chosen another woman over me....) And that people, is enough to power a happy vibe for at least two days.

The downside to this instant mood-enhancer is the morning you get to work, make your coffee, log-on and find no new messages. That is akin to having a party where no one turns up (OK so maybe not that bad, but I said akin, not "exactly like") and the day cannot reclaim that feeling of anticipation, that promise of joy that occurs as your email account is saying things like "loading...." - alas, once you see that there be no new messages, I am afraid, the early morning becomes all too much.

But that did not happen today. No sirree Bob. Because today, even after only getting 5 hours sleep, there is a smile on my face....Thank you Musician no. 2. Happy days indeed.

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