Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Man, The Mop, The Myth

We have a man at a work. Actually, we have about 60 (and only 3 women - apparently good odds for a single lady, but don't even get me started on that. Alright, well, I have started...lets just say that the average age of a male employee at my workplace is 54 and most of these men tell me on a daily basis that I had better get married soon. I am not sure why I had better, maybe I have an expiry date on the back of my head that everyone can read apart from me?) Anyway, we have this one man at work who comes in every morning at 6.50am and cleans.
I get in around 7.10am most mornings and so I witness the mans cleaning technique.
I know not his name. He knows not mine. We share not conversations or pleasant chit chat - but we do smile and he then laughs. (I think he can see the expiration date as well).
Anyway, he seems capable enough. He vacuums and at times he mops. Today, he mopped the top of the stairs. Only trouble with this is, though, is that there is carpet at the top of the stairs. Interesting. Because of the chats we do not share, I was unable to really say anything, and so, I just watched. And then smiled. To which he laughed. (maybe I permanently have something stuck in my teeth?) For some reason, I was the one that felt slightly silly, even though he just mopped the carpet. Ho hum.


klad said...

I have a similarly awkward exchange with the cleaner at our work. My bag is always in her way when she wants to empty the bin. I do an awkward 'sorry'-and-laugh combo as I move my stuff that's perpetually in her way.

Neither of us mop the carpet though.

Jean_Therapist said...

You do have an expiry date on the back of your head. I thought it was deliberate - that you were trying to set a fashion. I thought it was the next big thing. I got one of my own. What am I supposed to do with it now? Sell it on ebay? How much do you expect i'd get for a used expiry-date that smells like hair?

Though my conditioner does smell delicious.

It doesn't taste nice, though.

I just handed in the last assignment of my degree. Mental!

Amanda Buckley said...

Woohoo for the last assignment! Bloody awesome. Maybe when you get your degree you can fold it origami style like a hat and wear it over the expiry date?
I thought it would only be out of date when its actually "out of date..." - clearly, I am not equipped to give out advice on these matters, what with never actually being aware of my own date. BTW, when am I best before?

Jean_Therapist said...

You are best before standing me. No wait, sentence structure. You are best standing before me. YES I AM KING OF COMPLIMENTS!

Sincere, AND a pun. You see, with best before, and the double meaning of 'before' to also mean before? Physically as well as temporally before, as it were. What more could you want, o limpid-eyes pool of deeply awesomenessness? Word order? For sissies, that's!