Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Sleep Debt and The Goofy Smile

I am about as sleepy as I have ever been. My personal mantra of "sleep is for the weak" has become a tad too much of a mission statement and people are no longer suprised when I tell them my age. ("Really? Only 31? Wow.)

Yet, for all the sleeplessness and yawning, its never felt so lovely to be tired. Every yawn is a reminder that I have been off doing something wonderful. First it was a play run with a cast of friends and a ridiculous Italian accent, then it was farewell parties and gala nights, then my friend Caomhan.

When Caomhan is in town, life takes on a whole new attitude. We do not even have to be hanging out with each other for me to feel happy, just knowing he is in the same city brings a smile to my face. There is the obligatory amount of alcohol though, late night chats and all day celebrating (where wine and oysters are breakfast and gin is all the other meals!) ending with a bop in the local discotheque with me barefoot sending text messages under a piano. Sydney lights up when he is around!

The last month is indeed a blur. Follow Caomhans visit with Comedy Festivals, impro show after impro show, parties celebrating the success of an impro show and chatting with a handsome man till sunrise, not to mention a day job that I keep waking up for and am actually taking pride in, well, my sleep debt just keeps getting bigger.

And my goofy grin just keeps getting bigger too.


Jean_Therapist said...

You're awesome. Awesometastic. Awesometacular. Get some sleep.

Amanda Buckley said...

Ms Fraser - why it simply takes one to know one.
I am slowly getting more sleep, alas, keep dreaming I am in Israel and under attack. What does it mean? I feel its Cales fault. Why am I telling you all this via comment? Certainly a visit to that tea shop of yours is overdue. That is me. Ta Ta AB