Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dear Valued Customer

Somewhere between by first ever job as a video store attendant in 1990 and my current 18th job as an administrative officer, I have become a customer who complains. Not one of those "complains over anything" kind of complaining customers, no, not one of those, I am the other kind, who knows how I should be treated and is not afraid to speak out when an injustice has taken place. Indeed, my money is hard earnt and too easily spent, so I need the reassurance of a kindly face and a well used set of manners to make me happy. And I think its not too much to ask for.

A few months ago a group of friends and I were subject to some incredibly poor service at a well-known "beer restaurant" in Sydney where the overpriced food and beverages are looked past due to the normally fantastic atmosphere and lets face it, the more beer you drink, the less you notice the cost...right?

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, our waitress Jaz did not like us. Not only did she not like us, she told the other staff not to like us as well (we think) and so what was meant to be a great night turned into an anticlimax and left us all feeling a little dirty and a tad angry....so I complained. And although it took two months - yes two months - I received a golden ticket - a drink/meal voucher worth $100 for our troubles and well, I think I feel like I can finally forgive Jaz. I mean, she was probably an actress or a writer - maybe a singer or comedian and she was just having a tough day because for the 6th time that week she had stuffed up an important audition (or something like that). Hey, we all have bad days right? (actually, no, I am still a little angry at her.)

So I feel justified now in my complaint, and I have complained since then too. On my recent lightning tour, I was without inflight entertainment from Sydney to Singapore, and without a reading light from Singapore to London....so I have let Qantas know I was disappointed. They take up to 20 business days to deal with these things, or so their generic "we have received your complaint" email explained....I have another 7 business days to wait....fingers crossed!

In the meantime, I am not going to become a serial complainer, fear not potential waiters and waitresses, and I still like to tip when the service is good....but don't push me. I have a keyboard, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Jean_Therapist said...

Your complaints are NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

Now give me a meal voucher, or a hundred dollars. Or a hug or something.

I'm terrible at complaining. I'm a sissy.

Amanda Buckley said...

I don't know what I think I will get from Qantas, but my hopes are high.
Big hugs coming your way next time I see you btw!

Amanda Buckley said...

OK, so just in case anyone was wondering about the Qantas outcome...I guess I should have known it would be a movie voucher, but I had just hoped for, oh, I don't know, my flight to be refunded.....
Still, its the "La Premiere" Hoyts experience, those seats are better than anything Qantas could provide. (she says, looking at the bright side).