Wednesday, July 11, 2007

For some reason, blogger folk won't let me give this post a title. I had a corker planned too, alas, its not meant to be....

I will mention though that I was awoken in the dead of night by a text message. It was from a number I did not recognise but the message sounded like it was meant for me -

"ha ha kudos to you x " smiley face.

Well, for this I did not mind being woken up for. A mystery well wisher - giving me the kudos I must certainly have deserved. After the doubts of my karmic goodness I have been reassured by loved ones that indeed, its OK that I enjoy my good fortune of late - the fact that God created me with a pug nose and poor balance and haptodysphoria has meant really, I have been climbing (awkwardly) uphill for years. Yes, kudos to me indeed. And from a stranger no less. Oh happy day. Bless and joy to you all etc....then it was back to sleepy good times with a warmth in my heart and a smile on my face....

And then...

My phone beeps once more.
Whats this? More messages of happy tidings? Maybe a compliment for my new haircut? Possibly a young man, intoxicated by my sweet laugh and moderate temperament confessing his secret admiration?

"Sorry. Wrong person."


Yeah well kudos is a stupid word anyway.

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